One Question
You're every breath I take.
And you're every thought I think.
I take everything you are in everything I am.
I can't control my breathing.
And I can't control my thoughts.
It's because of you I sleep with a smile upon my lips.
I can't figure out this chaos you're causing in my head.
I don't think I want to.
I just want you and me to finally be as one.
The strength of your hugs.
The smoothness of your skin.
Maybe someday I'll taste the sweetness of your kiss.
I know someone else has stolen your heart and the same has happened to me.
But, the deeper I breathe the more my heart beats for you.
Could the same possibly be happening to you?
I try to concentrate, but you flood my mind, forcing me to drain the image of you in
order to get anything done.
Maybe this is a new begining to a new ending.
A new begining to an ending that might brighten my future.
Do you think you could dare to try just once for me?
Open that warm, beating heart of yours to the love I'm willing to give?
Maybe if we put the past in the past then our futures will finally come together.
We can learn from the past and always remember,
never forgetting the pain and agony those in the past have caused.
We can also learn to love again.
And with that, I'm willing and ready to try and open my heart to you.
Only one question linger among us...
~Are you willing and ready to do the same?