One Red Flag
As I look around me, I see beauty that my eyes have never seen
before….like taking in a majestic view of the Rockies…I never knew that beauty such
as this existed. I feel ever so fortunate to have stumbled across this, surreal,
breathtaking, making my heart skip a beat…air so crisp…no thoughts, only seeing
what’s there….the splendor of it all, hearing nature exist, the striking landscape, the
fresh pine scent, not believing what my eyes are seeing. Wondering how much
longer could something so astonishing last, experiencing this all for the first time, I
soak it in. Delightful, feeling free, I stretch out my arms and just spin around, like a
little girl in a field of flowers….until I hear a sound. A sound that doesn’t belong in
this picture, almost like a flapping sound. I scan the valley, the mountains, the lake,
being so blind by the exquisiteness, I find it hard to find the source of this noise …
this noise that is interrupting my happiness in my moment. Searching and searching
…I find where the sound is deriving from….standing alone in the distance, almost lost
in the surrounding scenery…is one solitary red flag. Flapping in the pine scented
wind, the red flag is dominating, even from a distance. Had it been there all along?
How could I have not seen it? Was I that blinded by my regal surroundings that I
never saw it? Like a stain, the flag is ruining everything, taking away from the
beauty I behold. But this flag is all too familiar. I have walked through a field full of
them, like weeds among flowers, I tried to walk around them, to smell the
flowers….but eventually all the flowers wilted…until I was in a field of flags…crimson
red flags. But this is only one…one flag…will I choose to ignore it in order to be
surrounded by this beauty…or does the flag make it all seem like a dream that
fades away…will I find myself amongst more red flags…until I’m tripping over them
…or will I walk up to the flag and pull it up out of the ground and throw it away…in
order to stay blinded by this beauty….who would have thought…that one red
flag…would play such a important part in my life….one….red…flag….