One Step Back, Two Steps Forward
I am letting you go, so go you are free
Free to learn that you were meant for me,
The pain and misery of our history,
Shall never flee from inside of me,
I deserve better than this,
You know I do,
But all I've ever wanted
Was what I deserve,
To come from you,
Dating is preparing,
Preparing to give all,
I gave you everything,
A mistake that led to our downfall,
I did it anyway,
Because I want you forever,
But you are my first relationship,
And I didn't know any better,
If only you knew exactly how I feel,
You would not be so upset,
That I need time for my heart to heal,
You've done me wrong so many times,
Which are comparable to murder,
But as relationship crimes,
I know we both never wanted this,
We sprinted off the start,
Racing towards infinite bliss,
Only to run out of breath,
And slowly move apart,
And lose eachother in innocent mist.
So when you come back,
You will be yourself once more,
Not who you are now,
But that innocent girl from before,
And since you have a tolerance to,
The greatest part of me given to you,
I will be come an even better man,
So when I learn how to give again,
I will be ready to take your hand...