One True Love
My beloved is the vision of excellence
therefore the peoples praise him
He commands the turbulent winds
the very seas raging calms before him
He turns the earth and shapes the mountains spine
where the eagles nest amongst the crags
Nature itself exalts in his presence
in rhythmic dances of boundless joy
the threads of life resonate with his song
a symphony of perpetual gladness
Our hearts wax full of loves expressions
to draw from the depths
the purified waters of life
Come my Beloved let us partake
the table that has been prepared
which overflows with the riches
of every pleasant pursuit we can treasure
Let us follow in hot pursuit
of the designs created by and for love
the exquisite wealth which enrich's all those hearts
prepared to enter into the chambers
of ever lasting joy
All that he embraces becomes fully vibrantly alive
you are praiseworthy oh my Beloved
the strength of your arms support me
like armour your love is a shield
you are the pillars of my refuge
None can contest your brightness
as a candle is dim to the sun
nothing is hidden in the presence of your light
And so my Beloved are those compared to you
You have shared the secrets of the hidden pearls
masterful the crafting of all your gems
The treasures you have shared are beyond number
they fill every room in the house of God
held in deposit for all those loving you
I have made my search among your rooms
no one contains a flaw ...
their chambers hold the finest articles
Royal robes and majestic diadems
They are full up with treasures
not one thing is missing among them
They are all together desirable
and worthy of presentation to the King
Your promises are sure and without failure
Your words are always true
no lie can be found among them
they are as sure as the law constructed
to house the cosmos
My heart is a furnace and you
oh my Beloved are it's flame
COPYRIGHT © 2014 C Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC