One Week To Do As You Please
O n the first day, I would jump on a plane
N ot to some
E xotic destination but to a friend
W hose life have been turned upside down by cancer
E ven just to sit in his company
E njoy the madness, the laughter of our amity
K indred spirits, is what we are
T wine together by some special kind of love
O verly protective he will always be
D onning the cape of my personal hero
O ptimistic and feisty
A s days goes on we would talk, plot and
S cheme
Y esterday’s fears a distant memory
O ur friendship might have changed
U ntimely it might seem
P rojected and grown, new
L ease on life is all it needs
E ven if I have to drive a thousand miles
A nd remain quiet
S ometimes in life
E ven that fulfills dreams
2nd place
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