There will come a time
When unity will be the goal of the world
The time when humans
Will realize that we are all from one source
The time
When the dreams of love
Will be a true reality on the surface
Of our dear planet globally
There will come a time
When the human inhabitants
Will rise above the evils of their days
And kill the war makers
To be permanently erased
out of our domain for life
The will come this day
That the world will be in hunger for
Till now the world Is still living in division
Divide and rule
Conquer and exploit
War and take over
Politics and lies
Money and slavery
Despite all this generation past
Despite the old world wars
Is so very sad
That the son and daughter
Of our mother earth
Never can leave wars alone
So I see the days coming
The day that the whole people
Will be tired of troubles
The day that they will face their deformities
And live to attain the prosperity in