Only For Us Two (Part 1)
There is an invincible force
Resting in you.
It makes my sun emerge at night
And the stars flicker during the day.
It makes flowers immortal,
Nature accompanied by love songs played on acoustic guitars,
Heavens descend from cotton clouds,
Time stuck on forward, pause, or reverse-
There is an undeniable power
Holding your hand.
It makes everything around me joyful and funny, somehow-
Like an addict with his fix;
It makes me feel ecstatic.
There is a magnificent trait,
Owned by your smile,
Your laugh,
The way words elude your fragrant breath.
Your speech, it is so violent
Yet so sweet,
Like the cold hard truth,
Honest and discreet.
They rip ancient love letters
That leap off pages and jump off cliffs
Awaiting a brand new sonnet to be written
By your tongue.
In your presence,
I am beautiful.
I am free, and all the universe
Lies in the palms of my hennaed hands.
The planets are nothing;
But minimal-
In your presence they revolve around me.
I could not dare and utter,
What goes on in your absence.
The wind that was once my companion
Now whips me with lashes of
Frozen leather and lonesome.
The monsoons change their direction
And escort the raining clouds,
As they slow-dance
Above my head.
I could swear to you,
The sky breaks in two-
And the earth quakes, laughing at my solitude.
It does not get still
Or stay put,
Until you are there.
How could I dare and tell you?
How could I muster up the guts to speak?
When I am frightened by the thought,
That people could use my devotion towards you
To damage me.