Love Poem: Only Two Weeks, the Promise

Only Two Weeks, the Promise

It was only suppose to be for two weeks, that was the promise,
      and she was suppose to be very quiet and have a small appetite;
well that turned out to be a lie- she eats like a bear after hibernation,
            she is so loud at night, I have to shout out-  QUIET!

Soon, two weeks became two months, and now we are two years,
      she does have some flaws but she looks at me with big green eyes;
and my heart warms, and when she kisses my cheek with sweet love,
             I forget she is long overdue and an unwanted- GUEST!

But then, I feel sad for the house intruder because she is homeless,
      unwanted, cast out, with no place to go, and so she stays;
I come home to find the house upset, the living room a total mess,
          cushions on the floor, things scattered and her- ASLEEP!

Oh dear, what to do with her, should I find her a new place to live,
      should I insist my sister who sent her, take her back;
the truth is I would miss this house invader so much I would weep,
            so I whispered in her ear, this is your forever home;
                  and I christened her, Snuggles-  Le CHAT!

February 25, 2017

Poetry/Verse/Only Two Weeks, The Promise
Copyright Protected, ID 17- 880-087-0
All Rights Reserved.  Written under Pseudonym.

Inspired by the contest, An Unwanted Guest
Sponsor, Shadow Hamilton

Sixth Place