Only Way I Can See
All these tears that you can see,
From what you have been doing to me .
The crying out in the middle of the night ,
Of my thoughts of you that just aren't right .
Despair and sadness I feel each day,
Just can't seem to make them go way.
I wonder why I live with so much strife,
What will it be that will change my life.
My dreams of all that once was good,
Everything back then I easily understood.
So much sadness and endless misery.
I guess that is all that is left for me .
Comptiplating my only way out,
Would be so wrong no doubt.
If it's the only way for me to be free,
Then that would have be the only way for me .
Sorry if you just can't understand ,
Exactly what has happened to this man.
Once I was so proud to be alive,
Now I only wish that I would die,
If you carried the pain that I do ,
I'm sure this path would be the same for you.