Opening Closed Doors
is when my last door closes,
and how,
and why
I stopped looking forward
toward more of getting older.
He said
before he died.
Until then,
his life had been gratitude for open
and closed doors,
windows of opportunity opening
as windows of risk closed.
I wonder if doors open to further life regeneration,
PositivEnergy Democracy,
further restorations of opportunity door EarthSoul Justice.
Yin's EarthTribe peace
through polypathic golden rules
cooperative health and compassion
invite me back in
sharing WiseElder timed space
Doors close
for more BusinessAsUsual
LeftBrain-dominant competitions
Too Busyness with WinLose suboptimal
not quite really pro-full-life optimization vocational.
Which reminds me
how grateful I am
for some Other EarthFirst Door
still surely open
inviting love
grace-filling health
resonant integrity
positivenergy karma
without evermore negative waste streams
Left with Right enculturing synergy,
Or I would already be LeftEgo BrainDead.
God always answers best,
most gracefully,
when we invite with authentic global curiosity
and respect Gaia's EarthTribal answers
Doors both Revolution Opening
and Evolution LoseLose Closing
with theo-eco-logical therapeutic equity--
WuWei WinWin pro-life
And not WinLeft deductions
over-invested in losing SacredRight inductions.
Storms in all seasons
of Closing Doors
like NegativEnergy emotions
have dramatic beauty
more divinely inspiring
while watching
from inside OpenWomb insulators,
A matriotically safe and warm
but not too warm,
WinWin cooperative Original Habitat
Sleeping inside someone
who also enjoys discussing
and laughing about
our storm slamming doors
and curious WinWin opening windows,
becoming part of this just-right
creolizing climate storm
of Wild Us.
My still open doors
and windows for gratefully noticing
PositivEnergy CoOperatives
are my opportunities
to watch beautiful Heavenly Father storms
of alarming retribution
as also Gaia's WinWin graceful restorative promise.
This Open Rainbow Door
my grateful living
loving vocation,
integrity's ultimate invocation.
is when my last door closes
halfway Yang full throttle
secularizing patriarchal LeftBrain
RightBrain sacred matriarchal resonance,
and wealthy how
and healthy why.