Operation: Christmas Child
Sounds of children laughing
Singing and having a good time
Is almost like a fairy-tale
But this time, it's mine.
The little ones are laughing and smiling
Almost as hard as the youth do
Together, we know we'll make a difference
One little kid's dream will come true.
We're doing something special for the world
So others can live with love
So we are giving just a few boxes of stuff
Almost like a little treasure trove.
Operation:Christmas Child
How it brings smiles to my eyes
To see all this hard work
To help a few little lives.
Bailey comes and takes my hand,
"Kristen, come here and see!
We've wrapped boxes full of toys
For little children like me!"
Given so unselfishly,
These children donate so much
Not only gifts, but unconditional love
A hug and a warm touch.
We stuff the boxes full of toys
And wrap them one by one
Soon, we have finished
All the boxes are done.
But we don't want to leave yet
We're having so much fun
So we hold hands and begin to sing
Our voices blending to become one.
We sing together for a while
Then we must break up to go home
But we know we'll still be there
And our voices will carry on.
So I go to bed this night
With happy tears in my eyes
Grateful for Operation:Christmas Child
That boosts so many little lives.