Opportunities To Be Useful Happen Every Day
Since you are here,
You might as well make yourself useful.
Pull up a chair and start shelling some peas for me,
I can make use of you to stack those chairs,
I could use your help today,
Are you any good at icing cakes?
Can you put that in the boot for me?
What are you doing on Monday?
Can you teach me how to do that
We are short of volunteers to visit those in hospital,
Can we borrow your ladder?
These are just some of the opportunities that have been offered to me,
How about yourself?
Remember time is running out as those doing the asking,
Are getting thinner on the ground,
And those things stuck in your ear,
Plus, that gadget in your hand is blocking the incoming invitations,
To be useful,
Before the opportunity no longer exists,
And you find yourself alone
With a receding hairline,
Poor health,
And a distinct lack of goodwill to anyone who knocks on your door,
In a last-ditch attempt to offer the milk of human kindness,
And a chance to do something useful,
Before that hope too fades forever.