Oracle of Valiance
Being with you; I am soaring high grounded in adoration…
Upon your departure creeps my secret resistance…
Suppressing, squashing my heart desires is voracious outside influence…
Telling me “Mocked will be your soul’s dowry” lacking acceptance…
So I love you discreetly from a distance…
I must heal; come forth into this realm with this brazen interjection…
Truth revolves as the atom evolves its holy gift…
Awakened awareness is fearless; intuition guided from the source…
Activating my unutilized hallowed programming…
In union with this great ally, blessed be sacred force…
Connecting to the heart; this is the true course…
Connected to the heart; I give willingly not needing aggrandizement…
Connected to the heart; I will not be inhibited by the chatter of illusion, buying energy lowering lies leaving empty confusion…
Connected to the heart; I can give my love and touch without desiring carnal pleasure...
Connected to the heart; I release my caged rainbow prism…
Warmth from your charming nature bewilders me…
Enchantment oozes outward silhouetting my aura…
I have entangled with variations of her soul since the beginning…
None have tasted so delicious as jasmine and honey…
None have scribed atomic codes to this structure as your nude embrace…
Now I swim within your ocean purified by its grace…
Now I sit still with silence knowing…
Exploring together the music of a unified yet individualized soul…
Hence forth…
I shall sing the song of love....
I shall fill your heart with its bounty...
I shall kiss your lips from its passion...
I shall hold your hand from its commitment...
I shall embrace you from its resolve...
I shall serenade you with its inspiration...
I shall devote to you from its unwavering faith...
I shall give unto thee my love freely for its cycle of power is infinite…
Now I shall forever love you openly; closely tethered, cleansed of the distance from resistance…