Orchid Soul
A - Love and Romance
Orchid Soul
You seen my beauty, my colours attracting you with each blossoming flower
You held your gaze as you tended to me lovingly
I grew stronger, my colours shone brighter
You fell in love with the beauty you seen
As the sun began to fade and darkness overcame
My petals beagn to fade
My outer beauty and the life you once knew
Slowly disappearing, withering away
Each petal that was lost, no flowers or colour remained
No-one else would see the life
Life that lay within the roots
You held on
You loved with care and patience
Nourishing from your soul, you reached out
For the life and beauty you once seen before
And then, a bud emerged
With hope in your eyes, you hoped
Roots now growing stronger, arms reaching out
Each precious bud awaiting their new begining
To lovingly share her new colours
beautiful colours flowering once again
Mirroring your love that you gave
I came back to life