Order of Knowlege
Order of Knowledge
Isn’t’ funny how if we only knew back then what we know hold up wait a minute!
What if back in high school when teachers I may not have liked were teaching me, about things I nor anyone else in the class had no interest in learning what so ever' Teachers whom at the end of the day got paid whether I learned something or not. What if I were bold enough to say I don't need you and walk away? Would that be the beginning of my journey towards wisdom and understanding? Would that moment be the X-factor that sets the stage for conflict after conflict with everyone who tries to so called tell me what to do, think, feel and become. Would that be a domino effect for everyone I come in contact with tell me "So you think you know everything? You don't know anything. Suddenly I find myself trying to prove that I do know something. But the truth of the matter is I know somethings but I do not know everything. At the mature age that I am, as a young educated and sophisticated black man. I can make that statement boldly and humbly because there is so much more I have yet to learn. As long as I'm conscious enough to realize that there is an order to knowledge.