Origami Lips
Let us play a game
With my bamboo lips!
My wet-folded,
Scarlet colored mouth.
There’s no math
Required, just the
Essence of your French kiss.
Don’t you worry,
I won’t give you any paper cuts.
Take my lips’ corners
And fold them with
Your love,
Then gently squash them
With your own.
Reach inside their
Till you get the perfect figure!
Hold them down
And tattoo your heart on them,
While you even all
My creases.
At one point you’ll get the moans,
Gently folding them again!
My bamboo lips
Are all that’s needed,
The edges pucker up in kiss!
Repeat the motions
Several times
To ensure my heart is yours!
And there you have it,
My entire splendor,
Captured in my origami lips!
© 2009 Stefania Carmen Misaila