Other Plans
I have other plans to suit my life.
The time has come when you just have
to stop pretending that you really care.
I care not for your attitude
nor your ever-changing moods
I hate experiencing tempestuous feelings
of unsatisfied hunger:
births of lusty fires that always fizzle out
insatiate and forlorn.
I'd rather have rejection,
experience a strange mystery,
remain speechless while you're around.
Yet like a leech, a parasite of my life,
you stick around, never leaving me alone.
You’re too much part of me.
A familiar dance?
Blessed silence, broken by your silly notions
inducing pregnant pains of frivolous thoughts.
I experience mirthful reflections
of a fragile soul that needed approval of others.
I'll never accept that. Hope fades forever.
Reckless behaviour is definitely called for.
I stand steadfast like a black rock
just off the craggy shore. I'll never see you again.
Goodbye loneliness.
I have other plans to suit my life.