Other Words For Love
Like snow, there are other words for love,
That swirl and fall upon us.
One of them is daughter.
Another is father,
For when his beard is salt and pepper
And his voice the sound of cracking frost.
So what can I say that is newly fallen?
Not that I feel, but that I am, with you?
You are my teacher.
You show me where my care lies huddled,
Hiding from the cold.
Without doubt or trepidation,
I am never more certain of this Being we are Becoming,
Than when I remind you to tie your shoe,
Or wipe the chocolate from your face.
(Watch, keys and phone.)
My rag polishes your mirror and
Reflected in your shining face,
Are all the moments that are yet to come:
Birth, death and the swirl of illusion inbetween.
With all the certainty I will ever need that this world,
This world is a good world.
This life is a good life
Simply and precisely, because you are in it.