Our Dear Children
Our Dear Children,
We think the time has come for you to see,
We're both getting old, your Mum & me.
please try not to laugh when we get things wrong,
We come from a time of singing a different song.
We may say things a couple of times in a chat,
Please don't say, hang on,you just said that!
Remember the times we read 3 Billy Goats Gruff,
Over and over was never enough.
Remember Little Bo Peep who lost her sheep,
Again over and over,'til you fell asleep.
There was a time when we had to be fast and fleet,
To stop you from falling when out in the street,
So there may come a time when we ask for your hand,
Remember the time you needed ours just to stand.
We know nothing about this fast new way of life,
But we taught you to eat with a spoon,fork and knife.
So now as those times which we speak of draw near,
Be happy for us, raise a glass and say Cheers!
You were born out of love, you were never a mistake,
Though there were times when our hearts you did break.
They were times of learning that you had to go though,
'oft we cried ,your Mother and I, times you did not know,
We knew that you were simply just learning to grow.
We cut apron strings at the time when we were sure,
You could make your own way as you walked out of the door.
We gave you our best, the only way we knew how,
To give life your best, will gladden our hearts now.
So please have patience with us as we near our life's end.
Our love may be all we have left to send.
It is yours, always has been, since the day you were born.
Our love never faltered over the years and the tears.
To see you succeed has allayed all our fears.
So darling daughter, to you, we both say.
We love you so much in every way.
© Dave Timperley April 2016.