Our Environmrnt
We are all a product of our environment
Under different circumstances
Each one of us could have been a terrorist or a man of God
A President or a homeless person sleeping in the street
It's the luck of the draw... or is it
Are we not in charge of our own destiny
Can we not overcome the trials that life has in store for us
To become an upstanding individual to be proud of
Whether rich in monetary terms
Or just rich in the ways of living
The ability to reach out and change someone's life
To make another person happy
Is there any greater reward or feeling of satisfaction than that
They say everyone was put here on earth for a reason
Whether it's a lofty world changing event
Or just an act of kindness towards those the less fortunate souls
It matters not, we have made a difference
So next time you question your purpose here on earth
Just remember... even the simplest act of kindness
Is richly rewarded and never forgotten
© Jack Ellison 2014