Our Father Kept This For No One Else
For I finally believe in myself
As my Father gathers
Expressed the way to help the others
That being said
Helped us as we were led
To see the gift of writing
Our Lord Jesus Christ is so inviting
Depth of emotion being able to use
What the Heavens have approved
Shown love and appreciation for the gift
As my aura had wished
We waited on the Lord
To push us forward
Show mercy when others chose not to
As mercy shall be given unto you
Forgiveness is shown to others to show them how to live
This is why our Lord said please forgive
Life is smoother with God love
Felt the elegance of his doves
The words are his to touch many with
This our Lord himself insists
All words belong to our Creator
Happy to be his receiver
For in the beginning God was the word
Which many of you have heard
One of the gift he gave the world to obtain
Was to show compassion within his name
The saying says eyes do not lie
I know how to read kindness in a person eyes
Shown by believers
As the eye of truth are the receivers
I love you my sisters and brothers
God Bless the love of our ancestors