Our Friend
She was our best friend,
Little did we know.
That it would end,
And we’d have to let go.
Was it something we did,
She assured us “no”.
Was it something we said,
We really didn’t think so.
This happened once before,
When we first met.
It seems like a long time ago,
Only it was 3 maybe 4 years I bet.
We lost her then,
And she came back.
But once again,
She’s with the wrong pack.
What little time we shared,
Felt like it was so many years.
It was evident there were feelings there,
It brought forth so many tears.
We miss her so much—I swear,
Oh what we wouldn’t do.
Just to hear her voice,
What we wouldn’t do.
To make that laughing noise,
Just to see her face.
Would be such a joy,
That we should ever embrace.
And treasure her—like a kid with a toy,
But all we have are our thoughts.
As we fight back the tears,
We will always keep her close to our hearts.
Throughout our many years,
Maybe one day.
She’ll come back to us,
We’ll always pray.
That somehow—someway,
She’ll be back with us.
To start yet another day,
It was worse this time around.
So much harder to take,
And I crumbled to the ground.
The loss I couldn’t fake,
So much harder on me.
She was like a soul-mate,
We just couldn’t see.
That there would be this date,
So as I lay here and cry.
I think of her smile,
Though my tears will never dry.
The memories will take me for all the miles,
She will never be replaced.
We swear that will never be,
For she holds a very special place.
No one else will ever see,
We could go on & on & on.
About the time we spent,
I promise it’s not a con.
She was heaven-scent,
We think of her every single day.
I cannot tell a lie,
That’s why it’s so hard to say.
Those two little words “good-bye”,
Oh how we miss her dearly.
We had to let her go,
So we say “good-bye”.
To our friend,
And we won’t ask “why”
We will meet her again in the end.