Our Hearts Same Throb
We all tend to hold faith and hope to bolster
our daily stay inside a positive base where our
desired dreams and wants are void of negative
claims as painfully aimed straight towards afraid.
Each morn we dress in faith to fortify our prayers
potential so that our dour tears will not break
our hopes most delicate and integral stencil.
While in principal we all hold faith and hope
for the whole world, we mostly purpose both
to keep our claimed emotive focus controlled.
Due to error characteristics, we all seem to
deny ourselves charity for we falsely feel unfit
but with behaviors altruistic, we are genuinely
authentic to our earthly purpose and role as God’s
souls on a human journey of charitable service.
United and individually, we are all charity worthy
and deserving of truly compassionate sharing;
our hearts same throb as loving children of God.
... CayCay
October 24, 2019