Our Journey
Traveling this road alone
My heart mourns for you
The time we had together
Has ended way too soon
Looking through the glare
Of a windshield dimmed by tears
I think of me and you
Traveling all these years
I recall with vivid color
How your eyes would shine
The sweet sound of your laughter
How you touched my heart and mind
Friends gathered ‘round me
To help me celebrate your life
Stories flowed like water
Their friendship eased my strife
So not in sadness do I mourn
But strictly out of love
The life we had for over twenty years
Was blessed by God above
You were everything to me
And now that you are gone
I will cherish every moment shared
As our memories journey on
*Written for Red Buckler in loving memory of his best friend and companion for twenty three
years Patsy (Pat) Cunningham