Our Last Night, Your Touch Truly Divine
Our Last Night, Your Touch Truly Divine
(Double Sonnets)
Our last night, your touch truly divine,
dawn's saddest light bringing sorrow to me;
light receded your sun no longer shines,
gone in your stubborn quest to be so free.
In solitude I found bedroom deep black,
forests of slain and sad broken down trees;
so many destinations I lost track,
you in your haste ignored that last night's pleas.
I see you now , there on some foreign shore,
dazzling light gazing back, looking at me;
This dark hole in my soul, your leaving tore
I am now, broken down rotting tree.
As I gaze back at the last image gave,
this torn heart, leads me to an early grave.
R. J. Lindley,
Aug. 21st, 1977
Our Last Night, Your Touch Truly Divine
Decades have now flown by since my last write,
I found you beat me to that early grave;
I long again for that- our last loving night,
that final and forever kiss you gave.
Your memory my angel haunts me still,
with deep echoes and cries of heated bliss;
I know why you gave your watch in your will,
so that our time, I'd never again miss.
My sweet darling, never could I forget,
that brilliant light you then cast upon me;
nor the depth of your departure's hard hit,
when without even goodbye, you did flee.
Our last night, your touch truly divine,
do not worry about me, I'll be fine.
R.J. Lindley,
Sept 9th 1997
1. Double sonnet,the second sonnet written answering the first one written in 1977
2. Yes, she was a real person and her cousin brought me her watch and a farewell letter (July of 1997) she wrote a few weeks before her passing.. I have both in a lock box, to be given to my daughter when I pass on.
I had gifted her that gold watch inscribed with , " Love you truly, R.J.".....
Fate, far too often cruel methinks..