Our Last Night
Our last night of heaven on earth
Being bound by the cords of love
Nothing could be of more worth
Than joys that come from above
Our last night of gentle passions
Enlivening, healing, everlasting
Creating in us such compassions
Images brilliant and so contrasting
Our last night to share our hearts
With a sense of beauty that comes
From knowing we vie with the arts
Feelings that whisper tasty crumbs
Our last night of learning to give
With all that our spirits can grasp
Emotions and insights that live
To free our souls from the rasp
Our last night to feel so inspired
Grief and worry all gone from life
Knowing cravings so much desired
Discovering the answers to strife
Our last night of awakening together
United by our feelings and visions
With fires of hope to match weather
Thunders and lightning of decisions
Our last night to know a union so alive
Filled with enchantment and inspiration
Awakening feelings that will always thrive
Assuring faith, hope and love for the duration
The night of passion and desire Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Faraz Ajmal
September 5, 2020