Our Love
Impromptu meeting... lightning romance
our hearts, minds, bodies and souls
became one... man and wife
a long time ago... love grew stronger
With no idea what was set in motion
each part of the whole... at times lost
with help from God
a long time ago... love grew stronger
Life stuff happened... at times we were lost
I was sure he would leave me
he worked hard to give us
a life I could cherish... as he did me
a long time ago... love grew stronger
He was seriously injured... again we were lost
he was sure I would leave him
I worked hard to give him
a life he could cherish...as I did him
a long time ago... love grew stronger
Now forty years later... another life phase
our plan is to face our fears
enjoy the life we cherish... and each other
with faith in God... like a long time ago
our love will grow stronger
May 2, 2018
Free Verse on Love Contest - By Laura Loo
Second Place