Our Love
I look up through autumn leaves to the sky above,
rays of brilliant coral light dance on clouds, and pause, and leap.
Sitting here, against our tree, I am queen of this land, this love.
Your shoulder warm against my cheek.
Your face, in that light, carved to memory.
My toes dig into the dark fertile soil beneath,
sprouting dreams, young blossoms of future fruits.
The humming breeze sings of possibility.
Fragile vines push through and tickle as they reach,
around my ankle,
over your chest,
forever moulding us to this moment.
This place that surrounds us is determined time.
The relentless minute turns the wind cold and restless.
The hour sets the sun’s glowing lust,
bringing darkness and choking binds.
The months tussle in the heavy clouds above,
building to a break.
This beloved place I hold so dear,
captured in a memory,
overcome by the elements and time,
reflected in rainbows.