Our Love As One Heart Ceizar
our love as one heart ceizar
a new day has come in our life's my dear ceizar
as i sit here once again with my pen and fingers to write
my minds thought full of love for you
as i take this lady in red to heavens love
as i run my fingers over you warm golden body i feel you shiver
for this is love that makes you shiver
as my hand shake to you hearts beat
i know we are complete as one forever
as i touch you face a tear falls from you beautiful eyes
i see you
i can feel you
a tear runs down my face
my heart melts like beautiful snow on a winters day
as i run my fingers through your so soft hair i feel love in the air
as i lay by your side i can smell your sweet scents all over your bed coving my torn
making it heal
when i say eternity to you my ceizar souza it means eternity
our heart as one never to be broken again
our home so beautiful
Rio DE janeiro forever my queen
your sunshine is watching you my angel of the light