Our Love Is Like a Pothole In the Road
Our love is like a pothole in the road -
the world goes rushing by, but it remains.
Midst turbulence, a love that’s overflowed,
carved out by harsh conditions, freezing rains.
A rocky base with cracks around the edge,
exposed by a veneer that’s worn too thin,
a fault or failed condition, some allege,
a patch best soon applied with much chagrin...
But I say no, the gravel and the grit
are gems beneath a layer trials expose.
Though ravages of time have had their way,
a beauty to mine eye, they have bestowed.
Our love is like a pothole plain to see,
a never-tiring joy to splash with glee.
for the 2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 23 Poetry Contest
sponsored by Mark Toney
written on 2/12/2022