Our Planks Were Creaking, I Only Heard the Music
My body is a liquid
that keeps your glass half full
I'm merely there to fill the gap
between episodes of a screenplayed life
the need for symmetry
is overdrawing a story
were us could be presumptive
like you said
those expectations were my mirroring
so your repulsion stepped out to the scene
now we're sitting each in his corner
as the vertical thoughts aim the heart harder
like a drone
released with purpose
absolved of liability
from the shelves of my soul
you're removing belonging titles
stacking your books
while happiness in this head is playing a tennis match
in front of an empty grandstand
I'm not standing
you've lent my nature disrupting the statics
I stand no more
I'm floating between this viscous heart
and knowledge that for me you're nefarious
preparing your clean exit
I'll sweep hidden agenda letters
which were adjusting to all of my lightheartednesses
you've turned the light off
and my heart became raspy
as you kept introducing roles in this performance
curtain is lowered
I'm bringing us to the end