Our Souls Forever Joined
My eyes followed a vision
That led me to a glenn
Deep within the
Scottish Highlands
As I walked amidst
Wild Heather and
Tall grass
I heard the familiar
sound of Brat
Standing there
Bowing his head
Up and down
As I approached
I caught a glimpse
Of you in full dance
As you touched
First heel and then toe
As you spun in harmony
To the song in your heart
Your voice carrying
across the glenn
In the ancient tongue
Of your Clan
I stood in silence
Brat at my side
Watching the
Beauty of your
Form in dance
I fell in love
With you again that moment
As I have so many times
As we embraced
And kissed amidst
The I love you’s
As we layed
Within each other's arms
And shared our dream
And the love we made
Forever embellished
Within my heart
Our Souls forever joined