Our Spirits Soared
We met in school- he was younger than me,
one day his dark fathomless eyes met mine-
I, part Ojibwe- he was First Nation Cree,
our spirits connected and soon did twine.
soon lovers, and friends,
we talked of odds and ends,
and of life's twisting bends,
and stepping stones,
we spoke in tones,
about unknowns.
We spoke of truth, love, wisdom over tea,
respect, bravery on the grass, supine;
about humility under a tree . . .
our spirits soared free.
February 20, 2017
Rhyme/Our Spirits Soared
Copyright Protected, ID 17- 877-778-0
All Rights Reserved. Written under Pseudonym.
S ubmitted toContest 300
Brian Strand
Ninth Place
Submitted to the contest, Younger People Who Inspire You
Brenda Chiri
Fifth Place