Our Wedding Day
Our wedding day
Beautiful and bliss
When she said I do
I couldn't wait to kiss
My bride looked so lovely
I could feel my heart
Jumping with joy
As our future starts
Down by the river
The photographer shoots
My darling bride on a swing
As a gracing swan overlooks
Today is our day
As we welcome families and guests
My best mate the best man
And our bridesmaids so blessed
At the top table we sit
With our parents we love
Nervous speeches are said
As I turned to my white dove
Today's been the best day
Of the whole of my live
I stand here proud and tall
To declare you my wife
Our meal has finished
As the band starts to play
I take my wife's hand
To the dance floor we display
Should to shoulder
Face to face
Sharing kisses
Our wedding embrace
We are soon joined on the floor
By our family and friends
At our Highland Wedding
Where the dancing never ends
It's now well into the morning
As we all retire
My wife and I
Share our marital desires
In the morning we shall go
On our honeymoon
Three weeks of passion
Will have me over the moon