Out of Many One
Jesus prayed, “Father, make them one,”
So that through them, our will shall be done.
This is God’s will for the church on earth,
The one to which His Son gave birth.
God wills the church community,
to live in Godly unity.
The world will know that God is real,
if Christians will His love reveal.
Christ through His death united those,
who were formerly God’s fierce foes.
His saving grace broke down the wall,
That sin erected at man’s fall.
Those who are in Christ are all one,
former divisions are all gone.
Bonded together by God’s love,
they are born again from above.
For unity to be attained,
church members must be born again.
While Satan, division incites,
it is God’s Spirit that unites.
"Preserve unity" is God's call to all
If you bear Christ's name, you must heed the call.
Filled with the Spirit, depending on God,
all will be one, and the world will be awed.