Out of My Life
Sun ain’t giving me light, neither is moon
Life is full of sorrow and pain, form god to me it’s the only boon
Every time I feel like I got something now, it’s time for some fun
The lights turn out black on me, as setting of sun
But the moon there is to give light in absence of sun
Nothing for me but of sorrow and pain to replace my times of fun
What would it be like to get the things we’ve always wanted to see?
It would be fantasy for those who get it but always a dream for me
I wish god could stop the time at this moment and always to be so that I can see
you always in front of me
Life may be long but time between us that’s so few
I try hard but I can’t be far away from you
Each and every night I’m like a mad man who always screams
I would be just fine if I could get you out of my dreams
It didn’t took that long for us to be so close to each other like this
Someday I’ll leave this moment of joys and fun
You may take it easily but for me it will be tough
I swear darling it will be only you I’ll think of
I could like spent the whole life with you
Only If I could know are you joking with me or your true
Every moment I’m with you feels like I’m in heaven
Believe me darling if I’d lie why would I think of you 24 7
Every time I talk with you, I try to make you far
Form me but you always get more near
I’m not that afraid of dying, loosing you is the only thing I fear
Think I could have been as much as happy as when I was with you if you were
Although I don’t know if you are with some one out there
Like I already told you, what would it be if we get all those things we desire?
Life wouldn’t be like mines, if would be like of those one who are higher
Was it a mistake or just another good thing in our fate?
How could he have let us met, how?
If he’d let us separated as we are now
But I’m way to glad to have you in my life
As I had you then
Bu this separation between us in my sad life is nothing but another fire and a big
But I’m the culprit I’m the one to blame