There Is a Lady sweet and kind luxurious
Beauty look I way finely, time noctice Her shaking bye
And yet I cherish Her till I fly Her gesture motion and
Her smiles Her kiss Her voice my heart beguiles
Precious my style in graceness I know not why political
Yet I one love Her till I fly Her marvelous educated
Talent steping looks will make a Poet burn His books I
Touched Her not ready not I, and yet I love Her till i fly
Had her fast betwixt mine Arms memories you that
Think alone a poem harms were't and melony? Yes,yes,
Fame! for I will love her till I fly rhyming I collaborate away
There much long as writing poetry in sphere I to request
She to ask Me yet would I love Her till I fly whim change,but
Change She foundation, or change She Sky,
Yet will I love Her till I fly.