Outside Voices Choices
Some of us,
admittedly too few
in my detached opinion,
still search for Beauty in metrics
and for Truth in arts
and integrity in secular humanity
with and for sacred divinity
Probably few LeftBrain dominant Egos
ever thought to bother RightWing fixing us
so all our secular reasons
would no longer also feel like colorful sacred seasons
spiraling regenerate creolizations
secular-sacred co-relations.
Through colonizing neglect
a faithful remnant remains polypathically redeemed
in this and each WinWin creolizing moment,
saved from monoculturing WinLose EgoZoic compromises,
detached from excessive needs for insurance
against WinLose monocultural compromises
denying co-arising NatureSpirit EcoZoic promises,
Yang-Yin goodfaith histories
written in PositivEnergy Democracy narratives,
matriarchal network herstories
of ZeroZone DNA wombs and RNA seeds.
EgoEco-Balancers contemplate through discerning quiz
after each unsatisfactory WinLose meeting
and absence of co-investment.
Who invites me to restore cooperative peace and justice?
1. Evolving-Devolving Historic Fate?
2. Each Saint-Sinner
Yang-GoodFaith Strength
Yin-Bad Lack of FlowingFaith
3. EgoCentric LeftBrain dominant
not quite so WinWin WiseElder
ZeroZone me?
Did I promise FullMoon
to SolarRadiant
PolyPathic Entertainment as CoEngagement
but settled for another WinLose competition?
More of an ego-eco unlogical
Win outside to Lose inside system?
Rather than a SecularLeft/SacredRight
WinWin Ego-EcoLogical
deep inside-outside learning voices
speaking up for restorative therapeutic network building
For cooperative MotherGaia reforesting
ecological economic WinWin projections,
Go TellUs On the Mountain
post-millennial climate health v pathology
my loyal WinWin soldier,
listen to your GaiaMama Yin
with green and blue highlights ecoside,
and right red-blooded RightWing eco-baptism
ego co-redemptive LeftWing intent inside,
polyculturally committed
even when Ego-you remains monoculturally afraid
and angry depressed
and suppressed
by xenophobic haters,
WinLose abandoners,
badfaith colonizing funda-mentalists
for bad monoculturing old revengeful news
Who have not seen,
since innocent childhood,
Earth's beautiful nature
as also a true cooperative spirit,
and true and healthy secular Nature
as also beautiful sacred voices
of polyculturing Song and Dance Spirits,
already too long kneeling through lifetimes
and sleeping
and deaf to inside-outside
NatureLeft with Elder HolonicSpirit Right
co-dying pathological climate trends.
Loyal Messianic Gospel Soldiers
remain WinWin adament
about restoring ZeroZone understanding,
If forced by ecopolitical powers
to WinLose compromise,
Better to be GaiaMama Yin oppressed
and accurately RightWing suppressed
than LoseLose abandoned
by hope of PositivEnergy Integrity
and faith in climate health
for future generations.
From Yin-rooted innocent Left-Right childhood,
we have undergone psychosocial
as ecopolitical WinWin downsizing,
suppressing RightBrain sacred emotions,
co-passionate desires
to remain cooperatively innocent
of Others' WinLose retributive campaigns,
advocating history's conservative
fundamental unhealthy behaviors
and unkind fascist hurtful opinions
extracted from nature
reductive secular evolutionary competition models
without faith in coterminous
sacred WinWin Revolutions.
What sensual sense could we paranoid not find
denying WinWin sacred evolutionary
complex evidence
of sacred EarthTribe's past creolization,
YangHere sanctification
co-arising and coloring YinYin
Zero double-binding Now?
Perhaps all of us,
admittedly too many,
in my detached patriarchally extracted
and exhausted
still search for PolyPhonic Beauty
in nutritional metrics,
and Truth in zero-zone arts,
And expect Sacred Integrity
enculturing humanity
with and for and of
matriarchal divinity studies
of organic wombs as incubating
inside to outside seeds
of bilateral nature-spirits
red light dusk through early dawn
of green theo-ecological history.