Over Whelmed
Finally, everything in the open,
My heart revealed to you and yours to mine.
But I did not realize until it was too late.
Many times you held me behind closed eyes,
And many of times we kissed.
But, those were only dreams,
They could not be real.
The one chance they could and I have ruined it.
I’m trapped in happiness with someone that makes me sad.
You’re the one I want.
The one I’ve always wanted.
I don’t want to be curl and hatred to him.
I do find true happiness with him,
But, my true heart lies with you.
I cry because I love you so.
Oh, why did this have to happen this way?
You are my always, he is just for now.
Please know that when I speak of him I think of you more.
There are no words to tell you how much I love you so.
If I do get a taste of your love on my lips,
Know that it will be sweeter than those before.
I love you my Angel,
And one day, soon enough, I will fly with you.