Overthinking Is Eating Me Alive
Did I dream of you last night
Or did we dream of us
I fell asleep crying into
The gaps in my memories
And somewhere inbetween
The whispers and the silence
Your lips told me you missed me to
Or Was it just a dream
Do you
Is it lonely out there
Without my laugh to
Punctuate your moments
Do you imagine my eyes as you
Gaze out over the abyss
Are you better off now
Are you glad you left now
Have your hands found
Anywhere else to call home
Do you wish you could
Hold me again
Kiss me
Is this just my mind grasping
For strings of reason or
Are you thinking of me too
I wish I knew
I wish you'd tell me
But that was the problem
All along, wasn't it
I still can't believe in us
Without your confirmation
I still don't know if you
Ever loved me at all
Though I feel your pain
Inside each of my bones
Through I hear your voice
In the depths of my dreams
Telling me the things that
Your real lips never could
I still don't let myself believe
That it was real though I
Felt your fingers reach my soul
I don't know if it was real
For you, though you said it was
Why did you leave me here
Why wasn't it worth keeping safe
Why wasn't I worth fighting for
If it was real... why am I here alone