Own It
Innocence has its travails of
Losing the true identity of
Being touchy versus being sensitive.
I ruined many beautiful moments
Forsook my joys to reel in entanglements
Of lively public bantering as being abusive
A mild joke was a jab of cold heartedness
Brooding for days over the other's rudeness
Undervaluing true love by being hyperreactive
I left old love for foreign shores
Not on basis of personal wars
But reasons much more elaborative
Long distances and free of heart
I downsized my kiddish touchiness as advert
My heart became ruminatively introspective
I realised no man could live up to his demeanour and heart
A reversal of attitude transformed me with better art
I pined for his undemanding nature, now so laudative
I returned with a list of do's and dont's in my small fist
Loaded with more love for my compulsive humorist
Being a little calmative, relationships become more attractive
April 22, 2016
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