Am crashing inside,pain throbbing in me
Anger boiling inside me and evaporating as tears
My mind is lost and not know of what to think anymore
Am lost not to know whether to b found
You used to b my best,
My friend and my secret keeper,
My comfort and my joy.
But today,you turned someone
Not known to me.
Who are you?
You have taken away my joy,and replaced it with sorrow
Taken away my peace and replaced it with trouble
Taken away the hope in me and thrust it away
Taken the love inside me and brought hatred and regrets
Taken away my confidence and all in me is shame
I had dreams and wishes like anyone else,
But you took them with you
You left me in emptiness
Alone in the world of lonellines
Took away my beautiful memories,and left me with nothing but pain
Who are you?
Where is the person I used to know?