Pain Gets In the Way of Forgiveness
It would take a huge amount of strength
to forgive someone who did wrong,
and no longer partakes in living...
why I am I so unforgiving and unkind?
It's probably because pain gets in the way
iof forgiveness, but holding onto the grudge
keeps the wounds open and unable to heal.
Find, o bitter heart, the easiest and quickest way of forgiving...
by letting peace live in the happiest heart again!
Recall, o wounded heart, how someone was moved by mercy
and forgave your faults without being asked...
can you be as complacent as that friend was?
I must forgive without resenting it by spreading a joy
never felt by whoever caused hurt and received
undeserved kindness; even love can flourish in darkness,
its invisible light makes way through the starriest night...
as many wait with anxiety for an occurrence such as this!
How can we tell those persons, who are no longer here,
that have been forgiven for their words, actions and deeds?
No, we don't have to tell them that pain had gotten in the way
of forgiveness...they will know by the changes they'll see in us;
only then we can make peace with them and go on living gracefully.