Love Poem: Painting On a Blank Canvas
Gigi Glover Avatar
Written by: Gigi Glover

Painting On a Blank Canvas

A Blank canvas is needed for me to paint my thoughts upon it using descriptive....
What color would the words represent?
I would have different hues of blues and reds on this particular day.
What I need and crave is closeness and realism--nothing pretentious.  I need hugs and 
kisses and to be reassured with consistency.
I am indeed a dreamer and a romantic who always has a tendency to give too much of 
myself, then I lose myself then have a hard time knowing who I am when seeing myself 
after the winds have blown by.
I keep myself company with a book--escaping into the pages, attaching myself to a 
character that reminds me what I want to be, both these are pages, pure fiction--I have no 
friction.  On this canvas I can paint what I want you to see--hopefully the end result will be 

Written:  February 12, 2008--tobemeis2bfree