Love Poem: Paper Boats on a River of Ink
Dr. Padmashree  R P Avatar
Written by: Dr. Padmashree R P

Paper Boats on a River of Ink

Words flow like liquid starlight,
Spilling from quill to parchment,
Each letter is a paper boat
Sailing on a river of ink.

Thoughts, fragile vessels,
Laden with whispers and dreams,
Navigate the currents of time,
Seeking a distant shore.

Pages rustle like autumn leaves,
Their edges kissed by candlelight,
As emotions, once formless mist,
Crystallise into tangible script.

The reader unfolds each missive,
A cartographer of the heart,
Mapping the contours of love
With every carefully crafted line.

Their correspondence, a tapestry,
Woven with threads of longing,
Each sentence is a brushstroke
Painting souls in vivid hues.

Years pass, a relentless tide,
Yet these paper boats endure,
For love letters, once sealed,
Become time capsules of the heart.

And in the silence between words,
Where meaning transcends language,
Love echoes eternally,
An unspoken poem written in stars.