Parade For Christ By Kenny Davis
Parade for Christ by Kenny Davis
I open my eyes, excited for today
As I await the parade with Christ leading the way
His children march on with their banners waved high
Their very voices of praise lifted towards the skies
The sounds of glorious trumpets and laughter aloud
As all the songs and hymns pierce the clouds
A fellowship gathering between sisters and brothers
Showing love and compassion, cherishing one another
Watching as their flags are valiantly waved
Making a stand for the lord, in hopes that others will be saved
Songs of Zion shake the walls and rock the streets
As the children of God march on, proudly stomping their feet
Voices continue to climb, reaching beyond the gates of heaven
His followers go on for miles, marching seven by seven
To the people of the world, they proudly sing their song
Praising his holy name as they are marching along
This majestic event, monumental celebration
On behalf of the Lord, whose love serves as inspiration
The world shall witness and the people shall hear
On how the masses of God shouted and cheered
Dancing through the town with smiles on their face
As they praise the lord for his love, his mercy, and his grace
People will ask one to another, “Have they heard?”
On how the children of God marched, proclaiming his word
Showing appreciation for God who sits high
Demonstrating to the world how much he has worked in their lives
As they continue to march over the horizon in line
They continue to let their light so brightly shine
© November 2010 k.davis