A misbegotten son
becomes a misunderstood man
that does not tow the line
and is the blacksheep of the Family.
Time moves slowly
and no one seems to notice
as he tries to make Paradise,
having touched it once
and finding she was only faking
making him think it was real.
Maybe one can only
catch a glimpse of Paradise ?
May God forgive him
for what he tried to make
and let those who love him
forgive him.
Paradise is not to be made,
it awaits,
in love and faith,
in a child's laughter,
in hugs and vows to a special one.
It is all around,
but you must open your eyes
to waves crashing on the beach,
to a walk down a snow covered lane,
it is in the animals scurrying about,
it is in the laughter on a holiday
or in the tears at a wedding.
Don't be fooled he writes to others,
Paradise awaits.