Paradise of Eternity
A light that never dims
Burning bright through the ages
Wisdom flowing in those eyes
Just as clever as the sages
The strength of a thousand men
Fortitude deep within her core
Courage of a warrior
Brave through this right-to-die war
Endurance of an athlete
Integrity til the day she died
Dignity that never faltered
Always kept her head held high
Love is what sustained her
The nation's outpouring of laud
She's home now dancing
With the angels and God
Her eyes spoke words
Heard only by those
With a heart;
Her soul sang a song
Felt only by those
With a spirit
Rendered silent
By those with no
Virtue of substance
My her song be sung
Infinitely by the Universe
May she find her voice
In the Paradise of Eternity
May her legacy
Be immortal
Enduring beyond Time