Part 1, Out In the Cold Dark-Lit Street Slow Trembling Raindrops
Default New Thread, Inspired Pieces That Cry To Be Inked
Out In The Cold Dark-Lit Street Slow Trembling Raindrops
Part One
It was past midnight and moon took away its glow
I was dog-drunk, a bit ragged just so you know
Out in the cold dark-lit street slow trembling raindrops
Poor soul, crying and begging aching life to stop
In that raging noise there was rambling and cursing
Was it heart's moaning vengeance I was nursing
Who knew, life was hell and getting no damn better
I read, I read, I read that last goodbye letter
Stained with falling tears, words- I once loved you
Darling, too much fighting -I am gone we are through
Now you go back, be hellraiser you want to be
And I in my great sorrows, pack tonight to flee.
It was past midnight and moon took away its glow
Rain stops, I walked out into spiraling snow
Heart throbbing, a loss I’d never get used to
Those deep knife slashing words, " I am gone we are through"
Then I heard that horn loud honking, tires hard squealing
Her words had done their dark work, car did the killing.
It was past midnight and moon took away its glow
I was dog-drunk, a bit ragged just so you know
Out in the cold dark-lit street slow trembling raindrops
Poor soul, crying and begging aching life to stop.
Robert J. Lindley, (Part One)
Dark, Sad Narrative
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