Love Poem: Part 2 - Not the Right Time

Part 2 - Not the Right Time

Written on February 09, 2015 11:05PM

The girl wanted to fall in love truly madly deeply with someone
She wanted to held hands and watch the sunset
She wanted to go on a picnic
She wanted the surprises and to go on adventures
She wanted the hugs and the kisses

But right now, is not the right time
For It can't be right now
For It is against all the odds
She can't be with him right now

Will the man understand?
For if he meddle with time
Hearts and souls will stumble in agony
Yes, the girl's falling but things not meant to happen yet

So please, don't take advantage of the girls' weakness
Don't take advantage of her heart
Please, don't take her heart too easily

The girl wanted to fall in love, but it can be right now
So the girl said to the man,
"The first poem was for you. Here's my second. Now, can you wait for the next poem?"